
Beau Braydon b 1788 Plato Aristides.
Father was a government official, died when a wall fell on him. Mother died when he was about 10.

Appears in Too Dangerous for a Lady as old acquaintance of hero.

Military from 16 (1804) Dandy.

"Beau Braydon was blond, fine-featured, and turned out to perfection from complex cravat to gleaming Hessian boots. He was hatless, but surely only for the moment, and his hair was perfectly arranged in what was doubtless the latest style."

Left money by uncle? Enjoys driving his curricle. Has no knowledge of or liking for rural life.

Lady Sophinisbe Ecclestall. Maternal grandmother. Daughter of a duke. Near Lancaster. Lancashire. Also an aunt there, unnamed. Eccentric and delightful.

In the Roebuck in Warrington, run by Mrs. Upshaw, once a servant to his family.

Rooms at 23 Parsifal Street.

Groom Baker
Valet Johns -- "An impeccably neat, gray-haired valet entered."
Gray horse, Ivor

marries Kathryn - Kitty Cateril, widow of Marcus Cateril, a hero of Roleia.

See also: Viscount Dauntry.